Thursday, 7 May 2015

Farm Activities and Ideas

Any animal theme gets me super charged, simply because kids adore all kinds of animals and a lot of learning can take place if you talk about something that captures the interest of little minds.

We start our farm theme by reading some fabulous books:
Image result for The red barn book   Image result for mrs wishy washy s farm  Image result for the milk makers


We make a KWL chart to track what we know about farm aniamls, what we want to know and what we will learn at the end of the unit.

We talk in detail about how a cow helps us. Children go berserk when they get to milk a cow!

 We make a graph of our favorite flavor of milk.

We make hand prints on the cow and write facts that we have learnt about cows.

Children also make individual cow crafts.

 We also make yummy butter which we eat with crackers!
The butter is made by putting some whipping cream in a jar. Children take turns shaking it, till it solidifies. Add a little salt and voila its ready to be enjoyed!

We also watch a video to see how a chick hatches from an egg.

And follow it up by completing an activity on the life cycle of a chicken.

We make hand print hens.

We do a lot of animal crafts and then display them all together on a bulletin board. The idea for this board came from pinterest.

We read the book "The growing soup" by Lois Ehlert and briefly talk about what all a farmer grows on the farm.
 Image result for growing vegetable soup book

Children draw their favorite vegetables.

We also set up a farmers market and children engage in pretend play. 

I will end this post by sharing my favorite song for this unit- "The Wishy Washy Washerwoman". Its a great song to sing as it teaches alliteration, coordination when you add movements and children get to cross the mid line which is essential for reading.

Hope you found the ideas and activities useful. Do go through my farm unit. It has literacy and numeracy activities for small group work. I have a detailed POST on the same.

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