We wrapped the unit on transportation last week. We did a class graph on means of transportation.
We read a lot of books by Donald crews. Harbor, School Bus, Sail Away and Freight train were all great books but the book that i would like to mention is "Let's Go" by Anthara Mohan.
It is very suitable for Indian context and the book has great illustrations. It can also be used as a book for counting. It is unfortunate that in India,we don't have too many child friendly books of good quality but Tulika Publishing is doing a great job on that front. I highly recommend their books to all those who deal with young children. You can visit their blog below:
I had to take an idea from Deanna Jump and we sang the wheels of the bus song with a fun twist to it.
You can find the wordings for this song by clicking on the link below:
We wrapped up the unit by doing a Show and Tell. Children used waste material and made vehicles. These are some of the vehicles they made.
The bus was made with a cardboard box and bottle lids.
The air plane was made with a plastic bottle.
The train was made with cardboard boxes and medicine bottle lids.
This cycle was made using bangles.
I hope these activities give you ideas for the transportation unit. If you need more ideas, you can download my unit on transportation from TPT or follow the other post which i did for this unit.