What is love? It has varied definitions and different people have different perspectives about it. And kids are not far behind. Even at this tender age they can come up with their own idea of love.
Few years ago, I had asked this question to my class and was amazed by the responses. The sweet munchkins gave such cute replies that I was floored. For one boy love was going on a boat with his family and for another it was kissing his mom. Some kids associated love with sharing and helping others, while some said it was about receiving and giving gifts. One sweet girl said, " she feels loved when her friends played with her."
I noted all their responses on a heart shape and displayed it in the hall. And boy oh boy! we got a lot of compliments for our sweet thoughts.
This valentine's you can ask children to draw what they feel about love and if they are a little older, ask them to write their thoughts.
Grab this FREEBIE from my store and get the kids to do some fun writing. I can assure you it will put a big smile on your face.

See my EMERGENT READER for valentine's day.
And do check out my old post on Valentine's Day for more ideas.
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